Graduate/Diploma Engineer Trainee Recruitment in Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Limited
Online Application in Graduate/Diploma Engineer Trainee Recruitment in Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Limited

Advt: HURL/GET-DET/2024/01 Date: 25/09/2024
About GET and DET Recruitment in HURL:
Hindustan Urvarak & Rasayan Limited (HURL) is a public sector company in India, primarily involved in the production of urea and other fertilizers. It focuses on the manufacturing of nitrogenous fertilizers to support the agricultural sector and enhance food security in the country. HURL was formed as a joint venture by the merger of various companies and is an important player in India’s fertilizer industry. Online applications are invited from energetic young qualified Indian Nationals for engagement as Graduate/Diploma Engineer Trainees. Diploma and Engineering Graduate Candidates can apply online before 21-10-2024 (05.00 PM).
Post Name, No. of Post and Qualification:
Post Name | No. of Post | Qualification |
Graduate Engineer Trainee | Chemical- 40 Instrumentation- 15 Electrical- 06 Mechanical- 06 | Engineering Degree in relevant discipline with 60% marks |
Diploma Engineer Trainee | Chemical- 130 Instrumentation- 15 | Engineering Diploma in relevant discipline with 50% marks OR B. Sc (03 years full time degree) in Physics, Chemistry and Maths (PCM) for Chemical |
Age Limit as on Cut Off Date ( As on 30.09.2024):
- Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET): Minimum Age-18 and Maximum Age- 30
- Diploma Engineer Trainee (DET): Minimum Age-18 and Maximum Age- 27
Pay, Perks and Stipend:
Sl. No. | Designation | Stipend (Rs.) during training | Pay-Scales/CTC after regularization |
1 | Graduate Engineer Trainee (GET) | ₹ 40,000 + HRA or accommodation | ₹ 40000-140000 plus benefits CTC – Rs. 13.92 lakhs (approx.) |
2 | Diploma Engineer Trainee (DET) | ₹ 23,000 + HRA or accommodation | ₹ 23000 -76200 plus benefits CTC – Rs 7.7 lakhs (approx.) |
Selected candidates will also be entitled for PF and Mediclaim insurance facility (as per HURL policy) during training.
Benefits on Absorption: Industrial Dearness Allowance, House Rent Allowance / Company Accommodation and will also be entitled for other
perquisites & allowances / benefits such as Leave, Medical Facilities, Performance Related Pay, Contributory Provident Fund, Gratuity, Contributory Superannuation Benefit Scheme, Group Personal Accident Insurance, National Pension Scheme etc.
Final Selection:
- Online test
- Merit list on basis of Online Test for document verification
- Candidate is required to qualify with minimum 50% marks in the CBT Test.
Important dates:
1 Date of opening of On-line Application 01.10.2024 ( 01:00 PM)
2 Last date of submission of online application 21.10.2024 (5:00 PM)
3 Cut-off date for reckoning eligibility for all purposes 30.09.2024
Download notification for Graduate/Diploma Engineer Trainee Recruitment in HURL: Click Here
How to Apply for Graduate/Diploma Engineer Trainee Recruitment in HURL: Click Here